Friday, January 20, 2006


Ok so this past week (Sunday night) I found a bump or cyst on Ellie's head! And let me just tell you that I was freaking out! Mainly because we had just found a cyst on her eyebrow earlier in the week so I was concerned it was all related.. you can only imagine the thoughts that ran through my head.. seriously, I was going nuts! But today I went to the doctor and I can say that my worries have been put to rest! She has a lipoma ( I thing that is what it is called) anyway, it's a little mass made up of fat, they come, stay awhile and leave. I guess they are pretty common and can happen anywhere.. so she is OK! I almost cried right there in the doctor's office. It's amazing to me how I came to care for this little human being so much! I am also amazed at the amount of worrying I did over a little bump.. not that I shouldn't have been, but wow, I can only imagine what people with truly serious issues go through. The most amazing thing is that this will not be the last time I worry or cry or panic about my child. I have a lifetime of that ahead of me... ok i'm getting a little sappy.

On a brighter note, Heather released a new kit today at the digichick and here is my LO with it! I love this page, probably because this is one of my favorite pics of Ellie. It just makes me smile every time I look at it!

Tania (see link on the right) is joining the team at Scrapdish and I am soo excited for her! I can't wait to see the wonderful goodies she comes up with! I just love being on these creative teams.. it really makes me get my act together and scrap.

Oh and I still need to do my journaling for the It's a Chick's Life challenge.. maybe now that I'm not so worried I can get some stuff done!


Tania said...

Oh Audra, what a cute layout!! Great use of Heather's kit, I've been looking at this all day :)

Robin said...

Your photo is too cute! Love her outfit. :) Glad to hear she is ok too!