Monday, January 23, 2006

Back to working on Mondays!

So after I had Elyse, Jeff and I decided that I would only work 3 days a week at the clinic.. the money is good and it pays more than if I worked 5 days in the school district doing therapy (i'm a speech pathologist for those of you who didn't know). So life is great, and I really enjoy only working 3 days.. amazing how the week flies by. Anyway, my very good friend Stephanie got this amazing offer to work in Wickenburg School District.. only catch is she was 9 months pregnant... so she referred me to cover her maternity leave. I figured it was only for 3 months so I would do it. Now mind you it's 45 minutes away. So I do my time and I actually learned to really like it. The people there are great.. but I was also a little relieved when it was over because working 4/ 10 hour days and taking care of baby is no easy task.. (I can't even imagine 5... for those of you that day my hat is off to you!) Well I was done December 12 and then in the beginning of January I got a call and lo' and behold they want to keep me on every Monday. I said yes. I figure another 3 1/2 months won't kill me and to be honest the money is great. So today I went back. I'm ok once i'm there, but I dread the drive and the time away from Ellie. I figure maybe I'll get a book on CD to help with the ride :) But really I just have to make sure I don't get swamped and focus and what I need to do... for family, me and work. Ok enough about me bitching about working.

I watched Grey's last night.. man I LOVE that show. Don't know why, but I do. Ok I do know why... Dr. McDreamy. He is soooo cute and he needs to get rid of his wife. She is not very nice! LOL I sound like I know them on a first name basis!

Poor DH Jeff.. they are launching a new look on their site (it should be up later tonight) and I guess things didn't go as planned so he worked yesterday from 9 am until today at 5 am!! Then he went back in around 10 am and is still there!! (It's 7 pm now) Poor guy I can only imagine how exhausted he is. See and I"m bitching about working 3 days.. Shame on me!!!!!


Tania said...

Commuting is no fun, but books on tape really help!

Robin said...

Mmmm, McDreamy! Heehee!
Good luck with the job too!