Thursday, January 12, 2006

Exciting news

So.. not because I don't have enough on my plate, but I actually have been chosen to be on another creative team! I was surfing around on The DigiChick when I saw that Heather Roselli was doing an application process for people to be on her creative team. I read it a few times over a couple of days and then on Monday I decided what the heck I should apply and see what happens. I filled out the first set of questions, gave links to my galleries and then what do you know she asked me to be in the second round. During this round I had to answer some more questions about her kits, what I liked/disliked and make 2 pages using 2 of her kits. The first one I did was with her "Cute Christmas Kit".. which IS very cute!!

This is Ellie with Santa on our vacation. Font is Leftovers. Then the second kit I used was "Falling Snow Kit" which was a bit more challenging since we dont' have snow here in AZ, so I came up with Ellie in her PJs:

So then I received an E-mail from Heather and she invited me to be on her team!!! Yeah!! She has great kits and I really like the colors of them. I honestly didn't think I would get picked, but I"m so glad that I did!

So now I have NO excuse not to get my gazillion scrapbook pages done! LOL Rakscraps is looking for element team members. Check it out! I have made a few pages/elements, but I am by no means ready for an element team... which is a true bummer because I just love that place! How fun would that be!!?? Maybe next time around. I need to learn how to do brushes, etc.. a little better. Though I do think that Mrs. S should definately try for it.. she makes some great kits for the mega member raks!

Homefront news.. Ellie was great today. I really think she just had the flu bug and it's on it's way out the door!! Ok I'm rambling!


Tania said...

Okay, first of all CONGRATS on Heather's team, she's cool huh!! Second of all, I'd only made 1 kit when I applied to be on the RAKScraps CT and it's an awesome opportunity to learn and be inspired, you can always come to me for help, etc. Finally, yes, Mrs. S and Corinne specifically, if you read this, you both should apply!! And anyone else who wants to give it a shot! Sadly, my Mega Kit days are over, but I'm staying on in the Sponsor team and the Event team.

Anonymous said...

congrats on making it into Heather's team
-Justine (aka bellbird)

mrs.S said...

Congratulations, Audra!!! Heather's stuff are awesome, and you make awesome pages, so it's a good team! Awww, you're such a sweetie to say such nice things about me. LOL! And Tania's comment too! I just love RAKScraps, and no matter what, they'd have to beat me with a stick to get out. LOL!!!

Michelle said...

I was soo happy for you when I saw this!!! Congrats girl!!!
I'm glad your little one is feeling better.
And you never know until you try!
And thanks! I loved the torn hearts too!!! :)
We had a really good ST the 1st 2.5 years for Matthew and hence the sign language. He picks it up so very quick, it's been a godsend to bridge until he could vocalize. Have a great day.