Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired!

That how I feel.. very exhausted, but do I go to bed early?? Nope, I'm too busy trying to catch up on me time... which means scrapbooking.

I'm also tired because for the past 2 days, Jeff and I have been house hunting!! We have definately outgrown our place, so we are looking at building a new house!! It's pretty exciting and we think we found what we want. We actually had another house picked out, but it had a lottery system and we didn't get chosen for the good lots and the ones left are in high traffic area, so we decided to look at others.. so we found this nice house that actually will have a basement. Jeff is completely excited about that.. all I keep hearing is "our movie room". It's actually a cool thing since houses here in AZ don't normally offer basements, in fact I don't know of anyone who has one. So that will be pretty neat to have. There is a catch though, we have to wait for some certain lots to open so that we can get what we want. So keep your fingers crossed. The build time is 12-18 months which is perfect for us to completely outgrow this place!

Ellie's hair is out of control. I comb it and brush it down and the hair just continues to stick up on top of her head. Jeff calls it a starburst! It's so funny! In fact we had groceries delivered and the guy walked in, took one look at Ellie and said, "nice hair!" Who asked him??? LOL I'll have to get some pics posted of it.. the ones I have so far don't do it justice. I hope it will all settle down soon.

Oh and can I just say how completely relieved I am to have Rakscraps back up and running.. I do love the digichick as well, but it's so nice to have Rak back. The people there are so friendly. In fact.. i'm off to go chat with them all right now. Check Ellie's page for her latest scrapbook page!

1 comment:

Tania said...

Hope you all recover soon! We've been sick alot this year too. No fun!