Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The flu has arrived!

Ok this may be a little graphic, and maybe an overshare... So last night I'm feeding Ellie and all of a sudden I notice she is going to the bathroom... next thing I know, MAJOR blowout! Which proceeded to happen about 6 more times. But now there is blood and I'm super worried so I call the doctor, they tell me to keep an eye on her and if she sleeps let her and then to give her some pedialyte if she wakes up.. so all is going well and she falls asleep by 7:45. Then at 9:45 I hear some weird noise and then she starts crying.. I go into the room and I swear it was horrible.. my sweet little angel threw up everywhere! It was a mess. Jeff picked up all the sheets and I gave her a bath at 10 at night. I took her out got her dressed and then she proceeded to throw up about 6 more times... UGH!!! So by now I'm totally freaking out and call the doctor again.. who knew that babies throw up until it is all out, so you get a lot in a short amount of time. Thank goodness they enlightened me on baby throw up! She finally fell back to sleep and didn't wake up until 5 am, I gave her an ounce of pedialyte (which stayed down) and she went back to bed till 7 am. So first thing this morning we headed to the doctor and I have to do some funky chemistry on her poop for the next 3 days.. I tell you that is love! Only a mother can collect samples out of a diaper and not gag. In a nutshell the doctor is worried she may have a bacteria infection.. but they can't treat it until they know what they are dealing with, hence the chemistry experiments.... The word E-colli even came up and I about had a heart attack! Today she acts fine and is crawling all over the place.. just a little tired, but still smiling away.. I guess this is the beginning of a limetime of worrying about my child. Me, I still feel like crap! I went and got some antibiotics yesterday, and I think they are just starting to kick in! Needless to say my house is on quarantine!!! Ok.. sorry for the graphic nature of this blog, but I had to fill you all in on my lovely past 20 hours!


Michelle said...

Oh Audra! It's absolutely no fun to have a sick child! Hugs to you and her!
Ans thanks! :)

mrs.S said...

Sorry to hear about little Ellie being sick! Poor kiddo! I hope she gets better real soon. You take care of yourself, Audra! Smoochies!

Tania said...

Ah Audi! That's no good!! I hope Ellie gets better very soon. I remember JT's first stomach flu, I was a mess! We ended up in the hospital and he was throwing up everywhere. I was so upset. I'm sure she's fine, there is a huge stomach bug going around, I bet she has that. Big Hugs!!