Saturday, March 04, 2006

Where did February go????

Wow, time fies. I swear February was a blur. I have been so crazy busy with work, home, and life. Seems like I haven't had any time to scrap much.. not too mention I feel like I lost my mojo :) Hopefully I'll find it by tonight, because I told Jeff that no matter what I really wanted/needed to scrap tonight. I did manage to get a couple of LOs done, and I'll post those later (i'm on laptop in living room watching Ellie atm).

Today I got a new do. My hair guy said I should cut some of it off and we did and then when he was done he said, "you needed the change".. LOL What does that mean??? I really did need a change, it was getting too long and had no body. Maybe later I'll have Jeff take a pic and post it. I actually like it alot, just going to take some getting used to.

The Digichick is having their re-opening celebration and they are having a treasure hunt to find parts of this kit and it's driving me nuts!!! Hopefully I'll find them, because it's a pretty cool kit.

Ok off to play with Ellie and maybe even get some scrapping in tonight :)


Unknown said...

Good luck with the treasure hunt! I just finished it, and I was on and off the computer all day doing nothing else. And... I got my hair cut today too! It must just be a time for change for all of us, eh? I can't wait to see the new do. :)

Michelle said...

Oh - I so know what you mean with the hair! My's got no body right now either! Ugh! I'm with Amy - post a pic!
Have a great day! :)

Tania said...

I haven't cut my hair in 2 years! I've developed an irrational fear of getting my hair cut, LOL! Good for you Audra and Amy! Can't wait to see :D