Friday, March 31, 2006

Time to myself

So tonight Jeff went to a concert and Ellie went to bed around 7, so I pretty much had some time to myself. You always think you'll get more done than you actually do. I had grand intentions of getting 3 pages done... nope. Total count 1, blogs read--- too many to count, ebay auctions looked at - 2, mini kits made by me -1, loads of laundry done - 2. So I guess I was somewhat productive.. just not in my scrapping sense. Here is the one LO I finished for the evening:

(Credits: Laura Alpuche's New Easter Parade Kit found at Scrapdish)

Isn't that the funniest face. I took the pic this evening and I'm not sure what kind of face that is, but I had to scrap it. She is becoming quite the independent little person. Changing her or putting clothes on has become the ultimate wrestling match. I must give her 20 different things to hold and look at, but nope.. nake girl spins around and tries to fall of the changing table. I swear it's driving me nuts... any suggestions????


Ginger Thibodeau said...

Awwwww she is getting so big! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

That looks fabulous, what an awesome layout! Can't wait to see that mini kit

Gina said...

What a dollie she is!

Carrie Nichols said...

Very cute!

Raji said...

That is a cute layout. If you get any advice on how to change the diaper without the kid falling off the diaper table, please let me know, lol