Thursday, March 16, 2006


So nothing new to report on the work or home front. Same old stuff just a different day :) I'm off for the next 3 days and I'm so excited. Jeff is in Las Vegas and I have the house to myself. Not that I won't miss Jeff, but it's nice to have some quiet time. (Of coures I still have Ellie, so it won't be too quiet) But I do have my evening to just sit and scrap or play on the internet. I plan on getting alot of pages done this weekend. I did manage to get one page done tonight. I used Heather's new High On Clover Kit which can be found at the Digichick! (font is Jayne Hand, Garamond, & CK cursive) BTW, Jayne Hand is my font of choice this week!I'm actually starting to feel like I'm getting my Mojo back when it comes to scrapbooking. I was in the biggest slump there for a bit and now I feel it coming back :)

I've been reading Gina Miller's Blog lately and I swear it cracks me up. She has been blogging away about Yankee Candle Tarts and I must admit I love them too. My favorite is Clean Cotton. I've been burning tarts forever and they are so much easier than candles. Plus I think they spread their scent much further in the house.

American Idol.. what the heck happened. Why is that little Kevin still on the show? And who is voting for him????? Ok enough about that.

I just got my first disc of season 1 of Lost in the mail today from Netflix. I hope to get somewhat caught up in order to be ready for season 2 when it comes out. Everyone raves about Lost and I need to figure out what the hype is all about. Plus I'm a sucker for TV! Speaking of TV, Grey's was good this week. I'm a little disappointed that McDreamy was so nice to his wife this week. Geesh I sound like a home wrecker. And George needs to get over it.

If I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, Happy St. Patrick's Day.. drink Green Beer!!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Jayne's Hand is one of my favorite fonts! Very cool. Hope you enjoy Lost. :) Of course if you want to watch season 1, you could just watch now because it seems they never show anything new! Makes me crazy! LOL And I'm with you on McDreamy being to nice to his wife. What's up with that. Yuck! We're not the homewreckers, she was! :)