Monday, February 20, 2006

Warning.. LONG but fun!!!

So I don't even know where to possibly begin on my blog tonight... SO much has happened in the past week!! First of all I'll begin with Valentine's Day. I'm sitting feeding Ellie dinner, when Jeff walks in and says, "How was your day??" I said, "it was ok, nothing eventful" (or something to that effect) then he said to Ellie, "Well maybe this will make Mommy's day better" and handed me some papers folded 3 fold. I opened it up and it was a picture of a house with a note typed on it that said, "Finally something comes our way on Valentine's Day" Love, Jeff! I almost fell out of my chair... A NEW HOUSE!!! To preface this, we have been looking at these houses and we were waiting for a certain lot to open up and it did. They contacted Jeff and he went and got all the paperwork and voila' our new house is going to be built! I can't wait. It's in a cul-de-sac and will be a gated community and right near a new Elementary School. So awesome!! Plus here's the icing on the cake.. it has a basement, which is almost unheard of in AZ. I should also point out that the past 2 Valentine's days have been miserable for Jeff and I. First, 2 years ago we had to put our kitten to sleep and then last year, My dad had a bleed in his brain and had brain surgery to remove it. So we needed a good Valentine's day, but this was way beyond what I had even imagined!!

So then on Friday we headed to Las Vegas!! I haven't been there in years and we had so much fun! We met some friends there from the bay area and all just had a blast! Not to mention I got some major shopping in at the forum shops! Jeff bought me a new Coach purse and wallet.. did I mention I love my husband. He is so good to me!!! I played Craps for the first time and loved it, not sure why I haven't done it before. It was crazy seeing all the dice fly and the bets being played.. some major high rollers love craps I've decided.. I'm not a high roller LOL

On Saturday, after the shopping experience, I had a 50 minute massage.....*sigh* it was awesome. I was so relaxed! I swear it's the best massage I've ever had. Though the next day my neck was sooooo sore. I must have had some major knots!!

Then last night in Vegas my friend Rochelle and I went to see the show Mamma Mia at the Mandalay Bay hotel. It was so cute. I didn't really know what to expect, but I loved it. I was a huge ABBA fan as a kid, so it was great to hear the music... now Dancing Queen is stuck in my head!!! I bought the soundtrack and have been listening to it a little today.

Our drive to Vegas was uneventful, though I did listen to "The Red Tent" Even Jeff enjoyed it. We finished it on our way home today and now I need to get another audio book... I'm thinking something lighthearted might be good for me this time. I did manage to squeeze in one scrapbook page before I left for Vegas... here it is:

(Credits: "Mechanical Things" Kit by Heather Roselli of the DigiChick)

My mother watched Ellie while we were in Vegas. I missed her greatly, but it was nice to get away for a bit... sleeping in was wonderful!! When we walked in this afternoon Ellie flashed us the hugest smile and it made me melt. She is so stinking cute (I know I'm biased). So that is my week in a nutshell..crazy huh!!!


Gina said...

A new house?! Congratulations!!! You'll need to scrap it being built - so get the camera and get out to the site even now! :)

Sounds like Vegas was a blast. I want to go there sometime - just need to stop having babies. LOL ;)

A new house?! What a GREAT Valentine.

Anonymous said...

awww - how wonderful - you finally had your super-dooper V day; plus sounds like you also had a super-dooper time in Vegas (hope you took the camera so we can see some pics :) )

Robin said...

WOW! A new house- what a present! I should tell my SIL and she will be so jealous as they're looking for a house now. Sounds like you had a great time in Vegas too! Glad you're back. I'm going to have to check out Red Tent.

Tania said...

Oh exciting!! Congrats, what a wonderful holiday for you!! And love that Gadget Girl layout!!

Michelle said...

Hi Audra!!!
How awesome! What a great surprise he gave you!
I'm so glad you had fun in Vegas!!! We're off on Tuesday. My mom's keeping the boys, but I know we will miss them too!