Friday, February 03, 2006

This could take awhile...

Wow I feel as if I have neglected my poor blog and now I have way too much to catch up on!
I've been home most of the week because poor Ellie is sick now. She has her very first ear infection :( As a speech pathologist this totally freaks me out.. I know it's crazy but it does. She has this horrible cough and sounds so pathetic.

I went to a funeral yesterday and that was a complete bummer. My friend Cassie's husband died last week. He was the nicest guy and only 31. He has been fighting cancer for approximately 16 years and he lost the battle. It was so sad and he will truly be missed by everyone who knew him. My friend Cassie is 4 months pregnant too, which makes the whole situation even worse. I swear he was one of those people who never had a bad thing to say about anyone... I know they'll never be able to say that about me :) But seriously there must have been over 200 people at his service.

On a bright note! I am now an official member of the events team at Rakscraps!! How exciting! I get to help plan events and all sorts of fun. Tania is going to be doing mini albums and I think that is such an awesome idea!! Her first idea for an album is things your mother used to say...LOL do I have plenty. So here are 3 things that come to my mind right off the bat:

1. It's just as easy to fall in love with a poor man as it is a rich man.
2. Make sure you're wearing clean underwear, what if you got in a car accident.
3. Pretty is as pretty does.

Here is my latest LO, I used Laura's new Sweet Elise Kit from the DigiChick (could it be more perfect for my Elyse!!) I love the little tag that has her birth info on it.

Ok Elyse is still napping and I need to get some stuff done around my poor house that I have also neglected this week. Have a great day!


mrs.S said...

So sorry to hear about your friend's dh. And such a poor sweetie for this to happen when she's pregnant.

Congratulations on being in the events team! Can't wait to see all the fun stuff you'll be cranking out!

Tania said...

Oh that's a beautiful layout! I'm so excited about you being on the Event team too, and great quotes, I have #2 on my list too, hehe.