Sunday, February 12, 2006

I love Grey's!!!

Ok I just love the show Grey's Anatomy, I know I've said that before, but I really do. Tonight's show was great. I won't spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet, but can I just say I love Dr. McDreamy. And Sandra O, she is hillarious. Ok got that off my chest.

For some reason February just seems really hectic. Seems like I blink my eyes and another day has flown by. I feel like I have so much to do and no time to do it.

This week is RAKabration over at much fun!! I'm bummed because I will miss the big bash for it next weekend. Not too bummed though, because I'll be drinking cape cods, playing blackjack and having a blast in Vegas!!! We leave on Friday and come back Monday. I've never been away from Ellie for more than a night, so it should be pretty interesting. Somehow I think I'll manage *wink*.

Olympics.. I feel like a bad American. I watched part of the opening ceremonies and haven't watched anything since then. Though I did see that Michelle Kwan dropped out. Probably the right thing to do. You have to give someone credit who actually can admit when enough is enough.

I'm still listening to my book "The Red Tent".. so far so good. I just finished cd 4 out of 12. Even Jeff has been listening with me at night, he says the reader's voice helps him go to sleep. Her voice actually is very soothing.

Ok I"m of.. have a great week ladies!


Tania said...

LOL Grey's was great huh!! I made DH hand over that remote, LOL. Hope you have a great week too :D

Robin said...

We need to start a Grey's fan club or something! :) It was AWESOME this week and I just loved that ending. I love how the show is filled with weird, akward moments like that.

Speaking of Sandra, did you ever see Under the Tuscan Sun? She's hilarious in that and Addison is her girlfriend. I was watching that movie on cable and was yelling at the TV "How can you be with Addison!" I have problems!