Saturday, July 08, 2006


So tonight I'm having a quiet night at home. Jeff flew to California to go see a concert with some friends, so it's just Ellie and myself. I had grand plans of getting about 3-4 scrapbook pages done since I am behind and everyone has new kits. I was playing around on the computer having MAJOR scrapping block, I swear I worked on one page and redid it about 5 times before I chucked the whole thing. Then I saw that the movie Crash was going to be on, and taking Tania's advice I decided to watch it. Can I just say I don't think I moved. That is one amazing movie!! I cried. Amazing is the only word I can think of. I think I'm still numb from watching it LOL.

But really I'm at a complete scrappers block. I even checked out all the galleries to get ideas, I even thought about scraplifting and I just can't come up with anything. So please send me some mojo.

I joined Shape Express yesterday, which is kind of like Curves. It' s a circuit workout program. I went today for the first time, and I have to admit it was nice to actually do something good for my body. In all honesty, I haven't worked out since before I was pregnant (2 years???) Hence the extra 70 lbs. UGH! I look at a donut or my beloved mexican food and it goes straight to the thighs. The good thing about this place is that it's seriously around the corner and it only takes 30 mins.. I figure Jeff can give Ellie a bath and get her ready for bed and I can get my workout in. I'm hoping it will increase my energy level, because lately I've had none.

Ok off to watch more TV since scrapping isn't happening


Anonymous said...

Oh I know, isn't that movie amazing!! I cried too, and hard, and then cried some more.
Sorry to hear about your scrappers block, I totally know how awful those are! Come play at the new DigiShopTalk forum, it's fun, and there are some awesome scrappers around, I've found tons of inspiration!

Robin said...

Glad you liked it too! And what Tania said - come play at DST! It is fun! :)
And the gallery rocks too so maybe you'll find some inspiration.
I admire you for joining the gym too. I so need to do that but I don't know when I would have time to go! :)