Saturday, July 15, 2006

Burning up!

I'm about to die of heat! I know Arizona is hot, but yesterday it was 114 degrees and I'm not even sure what today was.... all I know is that it's HOT! Now usually I can handle the heat ( I mean I'm a native of Arizona!) but for some reason we are also having some humidity, which is just insane! I walk out of the house and my hair is immediately wet and straight! The best part of all of this is getting in and out of a steaming car, especially when my seats are leather. I'm sure I leave a small sample of my skin on the seat each time I get in. It's supposed to rain tonight too, which will hopefully get rid of the humidity and will cool things off just a tad.. :)

Ok enough of me complaining. I did go shopping today and I really didn't find anything. Don't you hate it when you go shopping with money to spend and you can't find a thing. Of course if I went with out my gift certificates in tow I would have found something for sure!

On a bright note, I did go work out 5 times this week!!!! Now don't faint, but I did. I can hardly believe it myself. I'm waiting for the miracle of more energy to happen and so far it hasn't. I am enjoying the tanning booth there though. Jeff keeps telling me I shouldn't be tanning, but as I tell him, "Tan fat looks better than white fat" and with that, I'm off to get Ellie to bed! Have a great night!


Anonymous said...

LOL at the tan fat, I should try it! Congrats on the working out, good for you! It's humid and hot here too, hopefully we'll get a cooling streak soon.

Robin said...

It is hot here too, but not that hot! WOW! Hope the AC is working! :)
I've got some nice sunburn today - would rather have a tan!

jane said...

good for you gettin all active. got more guts than me!! im way to lazy!! and after hearing how hot it us out your way..i think i will stop complaining about how hot i am here!,lol

Unknown said...

ROFL Audra!!! I love your comment about tan fat vs. white fat...I'm right there with ya sister!! Good for you on the working out. Hang in there...the energy boost *will* come, if you keep going.

And as for the heat...that is just insane. Better stay inside and "chill out"...pun intended!

Raji said...

It is terribly hot here too & totally dry. I prefer humid heat, because I'm used to it in India. I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about sun burn or tan, lol, I have a browb skin.