Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Phew.. what a week! (long post ahead)

This past week/month has probably been the craziest to date! Talk about busy, stressed out and anything else you can think about. First of all, on the 21st I held a bridal shower for my friend Nicole at my new house (which we hadn't moved into yet!) It actually turned out very nice.. plus I rented some tables and chairs and made it look nice so it actually turned out better that we didn't have any furniture here yet.

Then this past weekend we finally moved into the new house!! YEAH! Of course we didn't have any tv or internet for 3 days which was hard, but now it's all good! The movers came on Saturday and got all the furniture over. Now we just need to get some little stuff (like closet stuff) over here.

On our first night here, poor Ellie had a rough night. She got a fever and then threw up.. yuck! Plus the cats were going crazy!!! Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. Then on Sunday, Ellie seemed to be doing much better and we decided to go ahead with her birthday party! Ellie is now 2!!! The party was so much fun and the kids all had a great time! Then that evening it hit again.. poor Ellie got sick as a dog again and spiked a high fever.... To make a long story short, she is still sick and we headed to the doctor today. We thought she had roseola because some kids in Day care had it last week, but we found out she has Hand foot and mouth disease!! Sounds a lot worst than it actually is, but now it looks like I'll be home all week. She has the type that goes all over her body.. including the inside of her mouth. I swear I've changed more diapers/sheets in the past few days. I'm done. LOL So wish me luck that I can get through the rest of this week. Here is what she looked like yesterday :(

Not the best pic of her, but you get the idea with the spots on her face :( poor thing!

To top it all off I have arthritis.. I was diagnosed with JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis)at the age of 3. Now I haven't had a flare up in probably almost 12 years. I'm not on any medication and overall I've been very lucky. That is until last week. My poor knees are killing me. I have an appointment with the rheumatologist on Friday.. thank goodness! Ok now I'm whining!

I've been tagged by Holly:

Here are the rules:

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.

People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I love all video games.. I have a xbox 360, gameboy, ps2, my computer and a psp
2. I watch Days of Our Lives
3. I hate loud sounds.. if the music is too high I get a little weird. Crazy huh!
4. I had my tonsils out when I was 32.. that was miserable.
5. My right knee only bends 90 degrees.
6. When I laugh I close one eye! (Arggg I look like a pirate!)
7. I love chips & salsa.. I could eat them everday of the year, all day long even!

Ok so now I tag:
1. Tania
2. Amy K
3. Robin
4. Tracy
5. Mish
6. Cassie
7. Melinda

Ok have a great week!!!


Anonymous said...

It's so fun knowing another gamer out there! I hope little Ellie starts feeling better very soon - that sounds so scary! And I hope you're settling well in the new place. Thanks for the tag. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! What a week, I hope Ellie feels better soon and they can get you some relief for your arthritis. Hope you settle in soon too!

7 things! I'll have to do some thinking, love learning all those things about you. Thanks for the tag!

Unknown said...

Oh Audra, you've really had it! I hope Ellie gets better soon, and that you can find some relief for your knee. Hang in there girl!! I'm off to post my seven things.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's quite a week! Hope Ellie's doing better. Hope your knees are better too!

Angela said...

I'm sorry to hear about Ellie and hope she is feeling better quick, for both your sakes. Bejel told me about what was going around -YUCK!! I had that go around my day care a few years ago as well, it's miserable for all involved. We are going through a HUGE move to Cincinnati right now. Scott has been there almost a month and I am still here trying to maintain the homefront. Once we get to Cinci, I will have a bit more time on my hands to try the digi scrap thing. In the meantime, I am in the market for a new camera- any ideas?
I am coming out on a road trip with my kids (they have never met their new cousins) and might see you again, sometime around June 9th?
Anyway, hope you have a great week-end and that everyone is on the mend.
A.T. :)