Friday, January 19, 2007


Many changes are coming my way... first of all, yesterday I resigned from my job at the clinic. I have been there 5 years and though I'm sad to leave, I'm excited for the opportunities coming up. I am giving them a 30 day notice, so hopefully they'll find someone to replace me. I took a job with Aspire therapy and I'm so excited. I get to help start up the new office and be apart of the planning process! They told me I could bring some clients with me, which is nice since I have seen some of my kiddos for over 5 years. I would be sad it I had to just leave them hanging.

We also put an offer on a house this week. It will close on February 28th. I'm so excited about this too! The house is pretty plain and has zero upgrades.. we looked at 3 that were the same floor plan and this one has the most potential. We plan on doing a lot to it over the next year, which will be pretty fun too. It's over double the size of the house we have now and I can't wait to have some extra room to spread out in. I'm sick of my countertops be loaded with stuff because we don't have any more cabinet space.

It all happened so fast.. on Thursday I talked to Aspire therapy, met with them Saturday morning, took the job on Monday and then resigned on Thursday. I went to the open house on Saturday, took Jeff to it, then our realtor took us to it again on Sunday. We put an offer in that night and accepted the counter offer yesterday. phew..... whirlwind is the only way to describe it and I'm exhausted. Just wait until February.. new job and new house all in one week.... gasp!

Needless to say I haven't scrapped much. I did manage to get one page done:

See the credits here.. I'm too lazy to post it all tonight!!

What about Grey's last night???? I balled like a baby in the end. I'm part of the dead Dad's club too and it made me cry because I knew exactly how that felt and what Christina said is true.. you never get over it. I think Addison and Alex make a great couple and Izzy at the end was awesome when she said she was both a surgeon and emotionally involved and that she wouldn't change... Go Izzy!! Anyway, I was happy with the show last night and I have to admit I love it!!! Oh and American Idol is back....I love that show too!!!! Ok I"m off to bed! Goodnight!


Michelle said...

Woot!!! Congrats, Audra! A new job and a new house! You are going to have a very busy month!!!!!

Meredith said...

Wow! Whirlwind is right! :) Congrats on the new job and the new house! We are hoping to purchase something this summer but it will probably be smaller than our current apartment, so not too excited about that! :) The job sounds GREAT! I wish I had finished my schooling. It's never too late, though.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I knew about the job, but not the house, how exciting, what a busy time for you!! Big Hugs chica!!

Robin said...

Wow! That's so much going on ! Congrats about the job and the new house too!!!! :) And I was bawling too - poor, poor George.

Unknown said...

A new house too! wow definately lots of changes! I hope both turn out to be great ones!
I don't envy you the moving or the fixing up the house part. I'm sure it will be worth the work in the end.