Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's official, I'm a working mother!!

So today was crazy. First of all, I got hit in the head with a wooden shoe by a kid. Then it just seemed to go downhill from there. Jeff called and said he would be late and to do dinner without him. That is when I thought about making dinner and realized there was absolutely no way. I did what any mother would do... I hit the drive through!!! So Ellie and I enjoyed our delicious Wendy's. I ate french fries on the way home and handed a few to Ellie, who squealed (sp?) in delight. She's no dummy. And might I add that Wendy's now has a vanilla frosty!!! Ok not as good as the chocolate ones, but still mighty tasty! She LOVED the chicken nuggets.

And no, I don't feel guilty at all!


Anonymous said...

Oh Audra!! And don't you dare feel guilty! Sorry to hear your day was so crazy. I know those well!

Robin said...

Oh wow it sounds like a crazy first day! Hope it gets easier!

Meredith said...

lol sounds like a crazy day! don't feel guilty about wendy's! hannah's favorite meal is "fries & nuggies". and she gets it about once a week! i hope your work days get better! :)