Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another week at the grind

HOLY COW!! I started at Weight Watchers again last night and I almost fell over when I weighed in.. I was so disgusted.. I guess that's why I went. :) Things have been crazy lately. I'm helping out in Wikenburg for some testing and that place is truly a one horse town. Stephanie and I went out for lunch and of course the only good place to eat was Dennys!!! As if that's a good place LOL. I'm still digital scrapbooking a ton.. I'm hooked.

Ellie is officially 5 months old.. can you believe it?? She is getting cuter by the day and I swear she has a sense of humor already. Her newest thing is to lay down, but not put her head down. She looks like she is doing pilates. At least one of us is working on our "core".

I took this nifty test today and here's the results:
Your 80s Heartthrob Is
Kirk Cameron

Not really though.. I'm more of a Simon Lebonne (sp?) fan

Jeff's company will be officially sold on Friday. YIPEE!!!! I know he is really excited about it. They are planning a big trip to Vegas to celebrate without the wives. Hmmmmm sounds like trouble to me.

I need a girl's weekend too... or maybe just a day at the spa. Actually all I would really like is a full night's sleep.

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