Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I survived!

Ok that was a bit dramatic, but I did survive my gall bladder surgery. I participated in a IV Tylenol study, so I had to stay 2 nights in the hospital, with my own private room and a private nurse. It was well worth it!! I have NO idea how people go home the day of that surgery! First of all, that my surgery was at 3:00 pm and my memory after surgery and that night are pretty faded. I remember my husband kissing me on the forehead and telling me he would let me get some rest and then I remember telling the nurse I needed to watch American Idol..bahhahah... Need?? Ok so in my attempt to watch it I fell in and out of sleep through the whole thing. Then my uncle came in a brought me some funny bunny ears, but I told everyone he came the next morning. Needless to say I was pretty loopy!

I came home from the hospital on Thursday and then on Friday I had to pick up Ellie early from Daycare because she had a fever. She has had it since and basically has the flu! Bummer for my recovery. I'm not supposed to lift anything over 15 lbs... right!

Even though Ellie was sick, we filled her with Ibuprofen and headed out to the Scottsdale Arabian Horse show.. now I'm not a horse person and I really know nothing about them, but it was really cool to go. They are truly magnificent and beautiful. I took my nifty new camera with me (more on that in a minute) and got some cool photos:

I got my new camera the week before my surgery. I LOVE it! I got the new Nikon D3 and it's so amazing!! I really haven't had too much time to play with it yet... but so far it's great! I definitely have a ton to learn and the camera does a ton of things! More to show soon I hope! Ok I've rambled on and on! Have a great week everyone!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had gall bladder surgery 2 years ago. One night in the hospital.(:

I couldn't imagine leaving the same day. I had a button for pain meds, I definately used it.

A D3! Sweet!
I just got a D300, love it.