Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Breast Cancer

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer this last week. I am still a little in shock, so I haven't blogged too much about it. Please send her some good thoughts and say some prayers if you pray. So far things are looking good. She may only need a lumpectomy and radiation. She luckily had mammograms every year and it was caught that way. So if it's time... go get checked!!


clc said...

I'll keep you, your mother and your family in my prayers. Hopeing a lumpectomy and a short round of radiation will take care things!

Anonymous said...

I was in shock to hear about it also. It does sound like she caught it early. Your mom is very good at getting her mammograms. And I am praying that she gets the tumor completely removed. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer. And she is in my prayers for a quick and complete recovery. She has all our love and support.

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear that, Audra! Big hugs to you and to her...
Will be thinking of you all and praying for you and her!

Bejel said...

I will keep your mom in my prayers as well as your family. I beleive in three things w/this...quality and early care, prayer and a positive attitude!! Here's to saving the ta tas!!

Angela said...

Wow Audra, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and, "Yes!!", early detection is the key. I too, will keep your mom and your family in my prayers. God bless!!